Useful Links

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Grampian Spelological Group (GSG)

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Caves of Assynt

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High Pasture Cave (Skye)

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Scottish Cave Rescue Organisation

28 285693 Website Icon Png Orange Transparent Png

North West Highland Geopark

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Scottish Geology

28 285693 Website Icon Png Orange Transparent Png

British Geological Survey – Geology of Britain

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Smoo Cave, Sutherland: Its Morphology and Formation

(Report on behalf of Scottish Natural Heritage by T. Lawson)

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The excavation of four caves in the Geodha Smoo near Durness, Sutherland

(Archaeological report by T. Pollard, Univ. of Glasgow)

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Archaeological Sites across northern Scotland

(Scroll to base of page for list of localities – Megalithic Portal)

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Highland Countryside Ranger Service (Events)

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Durness Walking Network (.pdf)

28 285693 Website Icon Png Orange Transparent Png – the past and present of Durness