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Looking for Staff 2024
Smoocavetours are looking for staff for the busy season ahead. If your interested in working in Smoo Cave this year…
April 2022
The large volume of water entering the cave following the melting of the 'lambing snow' has meant that I have…
Easter Lockdown
Here are some images from an empty Smoo Cave. With the NC500 shut down, the village feels more like it's…
Happy New Year 2021
Happy New Year from the Smoo Crew. With no tours last year we are looking forward to starting the tours…
Spring ’20
All we need now are a few more rainbows to accompany the new rock art...
Smoo Cave Tour summer 2020 update
As things stand at the moment Smoo Cave Tours will not be running the inner cave tour this summer. It's…
Winter around Smoo Cave
Storms combining with high spring tides saw waves entering the cave, part of the walkway at the entrance to the…